Wednesday, December 7, 2011

January 12th

I clearly remember going to our regular pediatrician for the second time since Elenor was born. We didn't go to the pediatrician often for our kids due to our more natural living style. She had been having an awful time with the reflux that she had been born with and I needed it to stop, it was unbearable seeing her in so much pain and eventually seeing her pass blood in her spit up.

They weighed her, she was only 9lbs 6oz. She would be 3 months old the next day. I quickly did the math, she had only been gaining a pound a month. The doctor came into the room, a truly loveable man, he wanted to get her length and head circumference to chart her. 3% for height, 5% for weight, and 97% for head. He started rapid firing questions at me about her development. She had already been diagnosed with torticollis  and scoliosis at a previous appointment with his associate. He thought something was wrong. Her head was too big, what about that weird patch of fur on her back, why didn't she use her legs, why wasn't she growing..

I felt like my world imploded. She is my third child, how could I not see all of these things so blatantly wrong with her?

He wanted me to start formula feeding to which I just couldn't stomach without more information, more opinions. He immediately ordered a referral to the Rehab clinic at the Children's hospital. He wanted blood work, muscle biopsies, and an MRI.

My world completely changed on January 12th.

(A sleepy 3 month old Elenor)

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