Sunday, June 2, 2013

Any Given Sunday

Of course it has been another 2 months since I've checked in! Elenor is GROWING, by herself no less. Which is astounding. Sometimes I think back on this little person who was so tiny that she felt like a breakable doll.

May 30th, 2013 - 2 years, 7 months, 2 weeks:

24lbs 2 oz (3%ile)
31" tall (less than 3%ile)
22" circumference head (greater than 97%ile)

On any given day she really looks and acts like a typical 2.5 year old and that is a relief. But then there is a day that her sugars are everywhere and I can't seem to get them regulated, we struggle with learning basic skills like potty training because of the reduced sensation she has in her pelvis because of the occulta. The worse days are when she accidentally falls and hits her head. The fear and worry that goes through me, it just moves your world. And it really puts into me what will happen someday when she goes to school. Hydrocephalus can be really dangerous. I just want her to be safe and happy.